About the Stack

Content to come, so far all I have for you is a write up about how this page came to be and a few personal highlights.

The development for this website's backend is as follows:

Code begins with local development powered by WebPack. Handlebars with custom helpers for templating, Zurb Foundation's for grids and typography. WebPack builds a production version of the site for local testing, but that's never shipped. New code is committed to a Git repository, which triggers a new build on the continuous integration service, CodeShip. If the build fails, I get an email from CircleCI, if the build passes: an AWS server is notified, the server starts a new Docker instance, which when successfully built, the AWS server switches to the new server. Seriously.

What if I just want to change a string? Well, Contentful uses a webhook and the AWS service refresh is triggered, the Docker instance is reloaded and the content is live. It only takes a minute or two.